How to Hack Accelerated Learning and Remember Everything You Study


I landed in Costa Rica in March, 7pm, tired, a little bummed out because I had to leave a gorgeous woman and a loving relationship in the USA, and managed to meet my awesome buddy  Tibo  in the airport before he flew out!

We met in London, became instant friends, hadn't seen each other in almost 2 years and had managed to stay in touch the whole time!

One of the first things out of his mouth was: "I met this guy! Told him about you! You have to meet him for breakfast!"

Breakfast? With someone I had never met, in a country I had never been to before, and as all humans, we rely heavily on recommendations!

It was at the breakfast that I met Adam and Eric from High Existence. To say that the conversation was on fire would have been an understatement.

I wanted to contribute and share my message of Brain Craft, of understanding and using the mind strategically to show true mastery of thoughts, learning and performance.

Today, they published an article I wrote.
This is something that inspires me everyday, put yourself in the realm of spontaneity for crazy things to happen.
Go for that random breakfast, say yes to that event. Whatever it may be.

Enjoy the article 


High Existence Podcast: The Secret Strategies of “Super Learners”


Decoding Superhuman Podcast: Super Learning and Keeping Up in the Age of Innovation