Justin featured in other people’s media
Feb 2019. Decoding Superhuman with my friend Boomer Anderson. All about what we can do to keep up with all the information out there. Decoding Superhuman is a show for those looking for an elevated human experience through health.
Key Highlights on Super Learning
[8:38] Memorizing Pi to 100 digits
[11:06] How to internalize an entire chapter of Moby Dick
[12:16] The anatomy of memory
[13:48] Memory palaces
[20:06] Using emotion over logic to learn language
[24:21] Dealing with cognitive fatigue while learning
[25:58] The importance of the base-level of knowledge
[32:37] Establishing multiple neural connections in memory
[37:49] Is 30-minutes a day enough to learn a language?
[43:52] The 6-month protocol to learning a new language
[44:46] The role of threading
[47:45] The Spanish program which is making learning languages fun again
[50:28] Justin answers the final questions
Oct 2019. High Existence with my friend Jon Brooks.
Deep vs. shallow learning
How to turn raw data into a developed skill
The best ways to read for maximum absorption
How knowledge of self is the first step for good learning
The role of raw talent in creative pursuits
How to "download" a martial art into your mind like in The Matrix
The science of drilling and repetition
The way to use coffee in combination with napping
Justin's personal morning routine categorization process
How to use video recordings to cement knowledge in you mind
Justin's favorite books of all time
How to actually become wiser not just more knowledgeable
Tons more...
April 2020. Mike Salemi (Kettlebell “Master of Sport”, Bulgarian Bag Pro Instructor, CHEK I ELDOA 4 I FRCms, Kambo Practitioner) and I have a fat chat about ice baths, breathing, and some of the elements behind our virtual coaching session where I led him through an ice bath (0-5 degree Celsius, 32- 41 Fahrenheit) for 34 minutes. Using my own breath work strategy based on tummo/ taoist breathing, combined with HRV breathing, combined with humming for vagal nerve tone stimulation, and using some Buteyko Method ideas too. All nasal.
April 2020. Conversation with my friend Jimmy Naraine about the lessons learned from my suicide attempts.
June 2020. Interview with my friend Jon Brooks to discuss straightforward ways we can improve the way we read, both the speed and comprehension aspects.
How to pre-read books
The uses and limits of speed-reading
The best ways to read for maximum absorption
Justin's number one tip when it comes to learning from books
When you should read super slow
The wisdom of book lists
The right way to take notes
Vanity metrics when it comes to reading
Tons more...
June 2020. A great dialogue with the High Existence crew.
Overcoming agreeableness and cultural divisions
Navigating interpersonal dynamics with expertise
What an 'aligned human' looks like
Become anything and anybody you want
Building a sturdy foundation for the rest of your life
Hard skills vs. soft skills
Becoming an interesting person and owning it
Deconstructing yourself with real-world results
April 2021. Once again, Jon Brooks and I go deep into it.
Justin's origins and childhood
The issues with the traditional school system
Science proven learning strategies
The value of learning to think for yourself
Justin's experience with life-threatening depression
The power of stillness practices
How to get over an emotional slump
Justin's method for interpreting "negative" feedback
Jan 2022. Had a great chat with my friends Tyler and Ashley. In this conversation we discussed ways to uncover and release the attachments that we have to our own identities; how to use pattern recognition to create systems that best serve our growth and development into wholeness; And how to perceive and formulate awareness around the spectrum of all that is rather than seeing things as black and white binaries.
March 2022. Had a great interview with Kevin McShan, Multimedia Journalist and Motivational Speaker. We discuss perspective, the way you arrive at yours often informs the way you make decisions, achieve, or obtain goals or aspire to demand more of yourself.
March 2022. My man, Andrew Baker, and I had a great podcast!! We cover topics like my recovery from multiple suicide attempts, unpacking what he lacked in his life that lead me to that point, and my journey to becoming a happy and healthy human being. We talk about applying progressive underload as opposed to progressive overload, imposter syndrome, and more.