Stealing of cookies and ideas: giving wisdom out of context.

I’m not a fan of “wisdom gurus”. Hell, I’m not a fan of anything that says to follow blindly. If you need something appropriate for you, an assessment must first be done to make sure the advice fits your context, history and goals.

Sure there are things that are universal, death and taxes for example. However, some advice can lead you to places you don’t want to be. Much better, I would argue, to develop the skill for yourself. The skill of assessing your context, your goals, your decisions and how they reflect on your values, and most importantly in this audio, your communication skills!!

DISCLAIMER: I do not know the context of Jay Shetty nor his reasons for doing or not doing certain things. Let me be clear that my goal is to highlight an issue of communication bringing with it a load of positives, be it in the context of Jay and his critics, or in the context of the ‘cookie thief’ story. In the spirit of my values and beliefs, I would happily help him to address these points within his community and provide value to ALL. No matter how I personally feel about him, how I make the situation better is more important. I have this value. I also think that leaders with such platforms need a lot of support and training on key aspects. Where do you sit on this topic?

“Much unhappiness has come into the world because of bewilderment and things left unsaid.”

― Fyodor Dostoevsky



Observer VS Participant


Meditation Part 2: A Deep Dive.