From “Boss” to “Leader”

The support and fulfillment you have been waiting for.


Leading is stressful…

You know your goal, but how can you get there?

  • Are you specific enough?

  • What is holding you back?

  • Where are your blindspots?

Maybe you know what to do, but where do you start?
What is the first step and how do you know if you are making improvements?

Coaching with an emphasis on adaptability and skill building means that you manage your current change better, and start to see effortless transfer into other areas of your life, meaning that the change is holistic.

This is for you if:

  • you feel uncertain about how to develop

    • you want greater awareness and self-discovery

  • you feel miscommunication is common in your relationships

    • you want better communication skills and deeper relationships

  • you are frustrated trying to manage everything in your life

    • you want an improved ability to understand and balance parts of your life.


Perspectives designed to help you

find the harmony

We can be uniquely ourselves in leadership positions. We can personalize our leadership styles to suit the members of our team. We can find fulfillment and status in being a better leader!


You are a leader already —

the world can benefit from you being a better leader.

With regular coaching sessions, you will learn the impact of various areas of your life and how to move effectively through change, to become the leader you want to be for yourself, your family, your community, and your organization. Learning how you work best can help you understand others better, increase empathy and your ability to communicate well.


Let’s take control together!

Take the next step in investing in yourself.


10 foundations
of health

Tried focusing on 2 hours of sleep? Not a good idea is it.

Harmony is about managing the 10 threads which can influence life. These threads are established by observing the research as well as anecdotal evidence, and also the latest theories from some of the top professors in their fields.

Establishing good and bad practices, which actions are the most impactful most of the time.

Also developing a flexible routine for times when you are under stress and times when you are ready to invest energy in resilience building, creating a few different personalized programs.



Making sure sleep hygiene is good, the correct number of hours, metrics and measurements. Sleep is one of the major factors which stop clear thought and therefore clear action.



Making sure you are avoiding the biggest culprits that damage your gut, especially those that create more inflammation when you are anxious. More inflammation also leads to impaired cognitive function.



What movements influence the mind and worry when we consider cardio, resistance training and stretching. Some training is great to push us when we are able to grow from it. Some training is needed to just make us feel connected. Too much heavy training when we are already tense can impair our cognitive function.



What type of meditation are you doing and what results are you looking for. Creating limits and boundaries in the mind, as well as using visualization to prepare ourselves for future stressful events.



Making sure you are aware of the factors that influence breath work and choosing the most appropriate for your context, once again depending on activating sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system response.


Social habits

Establishing structures (groups or individuals) who are there to support you in a physical manner, in an emotion capacity, and in a cognitive, problem-solving, reflecting capacity. Using mental models which accurately depict social relations to give you a better sense of relationships which makes you a better team player and a better leader.


Emotional habits

Being sure that you are managing and processing negative emotions, cultivating positive emotions, and upgrading your framing of emotions around life.


Cognitive habits

Understanding and training the habits that help manage and decrease cognitive load by training the working memory, which increases focus and focus endurance.



Shifting perspective of agency by moving through the framework of creative types in order to shift your beliefs around control. Using various mental models, healthy limits and boundaries can be set which leaves us with a sense of agency in our lives.



Making sure values are aligned with action so that we can determine the effects of who we are, on others; whether it is in the moment, in the short term, or in the long term.


Who’s Justin?

Justin is a change coach.

He helps leaders to become more stress adapted by exercising and habitualizing specific mental muscles. Making sure his clients have all the strategies and training to truly harmonize with life in a holistic manner..

From language learning and cognitive mastery, to the emotional processing that leads to more fulfilment, Justin has been obsessed with what actually moves the needle on performance and how to help people get the results they are striving for.

This has led to Justin developing a holistic and integrated model of how the mind functions, what influences it, and how to adjust its settings. The mind is a set of muscles and learning to isolate a muscle, learning to integrate it with quality focussed practice and learning to progressively overload it, all leads to a stronger, healthier, more balanced leader capable of inspiring change in people and shifting the world.

Ready to radically improve?

Keep in mind that there are LIMITED spaces, get in touch for more information.