Not Another Person Teaching Speed Reading Secrets


I can’t tell you the first time I heard about speed reading!

The thoughts that ran through my head!

”I’m going to be a genius!”

”I’ll be the guy that knows everything”

”Let’s see them tell me I’m not smart enough now!”

Silly Justin, tricks are for kids.

I went through the regular speed reading advice and believed I was a faster reader than my peers. I learnt all the tricks, practiced and I thought I measured my speed to be increasing.

Alas, twas not the case. I was able to predict, based on context, what most of the text was. And people I know, without training, could equal my speed.

Then one day, I stumbled across an article. It claimed that none of it actually worked. The test of it was a man who went to all the people who famously claimed to be speed readers. After they demonstrated their skills, a quick comprehension test was all that was needed to show their bravado was baloney. As their reading speed increased, so their comprehension decreased.

However, the mechanisms this works on are still of great interest. With one small detail that the science has uncovered: Speed isn’t in the eyes taking in information, it’s in the brain comprehending the information.

Enjoy the article and the video and the podcast :)


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