The Human O.S. Part 4: Context is King
Is anything ever truly bad or good?
It is constant to define something as having relative value.
What is delicious to one person is disgusting for another. It is all relative. So no huge umbrella rules, nor totally individual formulas without thinking about the context of things.
What are all the moving parts of this system?
What is upstream?
What is downstream?
Is there something underused or overused?
What is the history/ development of this system?
Where does this system want to be?
What is the most appropriate way to achieve this goal?
“The frame, the definition, is a type of context. And context, as we said before, determines the meaning of things. There is no such thing as the view from nowhere, or from everywhere for that matter. Our point of view biases our observation, consciously and unconsciously. You cannot understand the view without the point of view.”
― Noam Shpancer, The Good Psychologist